اليـوم العلمـي الأول للبحوث الطبيـة MRSD 2024
المكان :
كلية الطب البشري ـ صبراتة
Within the framework of supporting scientific research and encouraging distinguished students at the College of Human Medicine, Sabratha, and under the supervision of the College’s Research and Consulting Department, the first scientific day for medical research was held yesterday, Tuesday, January 2, 2024, in the presence of the President of the University, the Dean of the College, members of the faculty, staff, students, and those interested in scientific medical research.The Dean of the College, Dr. Rabie Yahya, opened the scientific forum with a welcome speech of encouragement to all participating research teams, and then the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Harishi gave a speech in which he praised the college’s effective role over the past year in many activities that benefit the surrounding community. After that, a scientific lecture was presented entitled “A synopsis on research methodology for medicine.”students: Steps & TipsIt was delivered by Mr. Dr. Miloud Al-Kawash, and the students of the first batch participated in a lecture on the importance of scientific research for medical students and job opportunities.At the conclusion of this scientific activity, the scientific committees went to evaluate the posters and set evaluation scores for the research and researchers participating in this scientific forum, which received the satisfaction of the attendees in terms of organization and full support provided by the administration of the College of Human Medicine, Sabratha, for scientific medical research.

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المكان :
كلية الطب البشري ـ صبراتة
Within the framework of supporting scientific research and encouraging distinguished students at the College of Human Medicine, Sabratha, and under the supervision of the College’s Research and Consulting Department, the first scientific day for medical research was held yesterday, Tuesday, January 2, 2024, in the presence of the President of the University, the Dean of the College, members of the faculty, staff, students, and those interested in scientific medical research.
The Dean of the College, Dr. Rabie Yahya, opened the scientific forum with a welcome speech of encouragement to all participating research teams, and then the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Harishi gave a speech in which he praised the college’s effective role over the past year in many activities that benefit the surrounding community. After that, a scientific lecture was presented entitled “A synopsis on research methodology for medicine.”
students: Steps & Tips
It was delivered by Mr. Dr. Miloud Al-Kawash, and the students of the first batch participated in a lecture on the importance of scientific research for medical students and job opportunities.
At the conclusion of this scientific activity, the scientific committees went to evaluate the posters and set evaluation scores for the research and researchers participating in this scientific forum, which received the satisfaction of the attendees in terms of organization and full support provided by the administration of the College of Human Medicine, Sabratha, for scientific medical research.

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