Azab Elsayed Azab
- Effect of Covid-19 Infection on Haematological and Immune Antibodies Titer among Infected Patients in the Maitega Isolation Centers, Tripoli, Libya AE Azab, JM Jbireal, RA SalemJ, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing )2024 ) (1), 2766-2314
- The Correlation between Hemoglobin-A1C and C-Reactive Protein in Type-II Diabetic Patients AE Alfourti, A M.A.B., Azzwali, A A.A, Azab EA. Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 4 (7), 1-7. 2023.
- Osteoporosis and Osteopaenia in Aged People: Insight into Aetiology, Risk Factors, Clinical Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Prevention, and Treatment AE Ajaj , ARI, Elmaggoze,SA, Abofila, MTM, Azab Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 4 (7), 1-6. 2023.
- Cadmium Toxicity: Insight into Sources, Toxicokinetics, and Effect on Vital Organs and Embryos AEA Sara Bashir Ali EL-Hengary, Fikry Ali Abushofa Journal of Clinical Research and Reports 13 (4), 1-10 2023.
- Targeting Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis by Indole-3-Carbinol to Ameliorate Doxorubicin- Induced Cardiotoxicity in Mice AE Adwas, Almohktar A., Almgatif, Imran M. S., Azab SAR Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 4 (3), 33-48 2023.
- Electromagnetic Fields: Insight into Sources, and Their Effects on Vital Organs and the Risk of Cancer AE Khalat, Abdurazag Mohamed, Yahya, Rabia A M, Azab EA. SAR Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 4 (3), 20-32. 2023.
- الهرمونات الأنثوية وأهميتها وعلاقة ارتفاع مستوى هرمون البرولاكتين بتأخر الإنجاب عند النساء في غرب ليبيا سعيد، عمران محمد، عزب، عزب السيد International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology 8 (6), 6397-6407 2023.
- INSIGHT INTO THE ROLE OF SPHINGOSINE KINASE 1 (SK1) AND SPHINGOSINE-1-PHOSPHATE (S1P) IN THE ONSET AND DEVELOPMENT OF CANCER KELMS Almokhtar A. Adwas, Rabia AM Yahya, Azab Elsayad Azab International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences 13 (1), 29-44. 2023.
- Development of Histological Techniques for Metabolic Syndrome Studies Ajaj, ARI, Abofila, M.T. M., Azab, AE Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering 6 (1), 1-6. 2023.
- Effect of Hemodialysis on Haematological Parameters of Patients with and without Hepatitis A. AE Azab AE Albash, MO, Abofila, MA International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology 8 (4), 6036-6046 2023.
- Distribution of Hemodialysis Patients According to ABO Blood Groups and Rhesus Factor in the Tripoli Region ABM Azab, AE, Alsoukry Global Journal of Clinical Medicine and Medical Research 1 (2), 44-49.2023.
- Cadmium Toxicity: Insight into Sources, Toxicokinetics, and Effect on Vital Organs and Embryos AEA Sara Bashir Ali EL-Hengary, Fikry Ali Abushofa Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies … 2023
- The Relationship between the Levels of Serum Iron, Ferritin, and Hemoglobin in Patients Infected with Coronavirus Disease -19 AEA Maryouma Nour Alddeen Alnaas, AE Azab . J. M. Jbireal Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies …2023
- Cadmium Toxicity: Insight into Sources, Toxicokinetics, and Effect on Vital Organs and Embryos SB Ali, FA Abushofa, AE Azab. J Clinical Research and Reports 13 (4), 2690-1919.2023.
- Evaluation of Blood Pressure, Liver Function, and Hemoglobin Concentration Alterations in Cigarette Smokers on the West Coast of Libya OMA Abdalrauf M.A.B. Alfourti , Azab Elsayed Azab , Mohamed Ismail Al ... Global Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases 1 (1), 1-10..2022
- Haematological Alterations among Patients with Oral and Dental Health Problems in the Tripoli Region HMM Azab, AE, Aljefari Universal Journal of Stomatology 1 (1), 12-24 2022
- Antidyslipidemic Effect of 5-Fluorouracil against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Albino Rats AEA Rabia A M Yahya, Ahmed M. Attia, Karema El.M.Shkal, Mona A. Yehia .Journal of Clinical Research and Reports 12 (2), 1-7.2022.
- 5-fluorouracil Improves the Testicular Antioxidant Status and Alleviates Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Rats Treated with Cyclophosphamide .RAM Yahya, AE Azab, S Karema El M, AM Attia, MA Yehia World Journal of Cancer and Oncology Research, 29-38.2022.
- Prevalence of Oral Health Problems and Distribution According to Socio-demographic Variables and Blood Groups among Patients in the Tripoli Region HMMA Azab Elsayed Azab. World Journal of Dental Sciences and Research, 1 (1), 1-15 1.2022.
- Prevalence of Anemia and Variations of Hematological Parameters among Anemic Hemodialysis Patients in the Tripoli Region 2023. Azab, AE, Alshoukry Global Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases 1 (1), 1-18. .
- Evaluation of Blood Pressure, Liver Function, and Hemoglobin Concentration Alterations in Cigarette Smokers on the West Coast of Libya .2022.Abdalrauf M.A.B. Alfourti , Azab Elsayed Azab , Mohamed Ismail Al ... Global Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases 1 (1), 1-10.
- Haematological Alterations among Patients with Oral and Dental Health Problems in the Tripoli Region. 2022
HMM. Azab, AE, Aljefari . Universal Journal of Stomatology 1 (1), 12-24
- Antidyslipidemic Effect of 5-Fluorouracil against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Albino Rats. 2022. Azab E Azab. Rabia A M Yahya, Ahmed M. Attia, Karema El.M.Shkal, Mona A. Yehia Journal of Clinical Research and Reports 12 (2), 1-7
- 5-fluorouracil Improves the Testicular Antioxidant Status and Alleviates Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Rats Treated with Cyclophosphamide .2022. RAM Yahya, AE Azab, S Karema El M, AM Attia, MA Yehia .World Journal of Cancer and Oncology Research, 29-38
- Prevalence of Oral Health Problems and Distribution According to Socio-demographic Variables and Blood Groups among Patients in the Tripoli Region. 2022. HMMA . Azab Elsayed Azab .World Journal of Dental Sciences and Research, 1 (1), 1-15
- Cyclophosphamide Induces Hepatorenal Toxicity and Attenuation by 5-fluorouracil in Male Albino Rats. 2022. RAM Yahya, AM Attia, MA Yehia, AE Azab, S Karema El M. World Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 8-21
- Cyclophosphamide Induces Hepatorenal Toxicity and Attenuation by 5-fluorouracil in Male Albino Rats. 2022. KE Yahya, R. A. M., Attia, A. M., Yehia, M. A., Azab, A. E., & Shkal. World Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 2 (455), 1-14
Distribution of Cervical Cancer According to Age, Region, and blood groups in Patients Attending Sabratha National Cancer Institute, Western Libya. 2022. HMAG. Azab Elsayed Azab, Fikry Abushofa
Himalayan Journal of Applied Medical Sciences and Research 3 (2), 50-59
- Hepatoprotective Effects of Fenugreek Seeds and Curcumin against Hepatotoxicity Induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats .2022. .MAE Mohamed omar Albasha, Azab Elsayed Azab. Scientific Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2 (2), 1-12.
- Haematological Parameter Alterations among Cervical Cancer Patients and the Relationship between Blood Groups and Cervical Cancer Disease. 2022. HMAG Fikry Ali Abushofa, Azab Elsayed Azab Himalayan Journal of Applied Medical Sciences and Research 3 (2), 43-49.
- 5-Fluorouracil Ameliorates the Hematotoxicity Induced by Cyclophosphamide in Male Albino Rats. 2022
KE Yahya, R. A. M., Azab, A. E., Attia, A. M., Yehia, M. A., & Shkal .Universal Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1 (1), 50-60
- التأثيرات الوقائية المحتملة لمستخلص أوراق الزيتون على السمية الكبدية–الكلوية المستحثة بنيتريت الصوديوم في ذكور الأرانب The Potential Protective Effects of Olive Leaves …2022. FAA. Azab, AE, Albasha, MO.International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology 7 (8), 5294-5324
- The Ameliorating Effect of Dexamethasone against Pancreatic Histopathological changes Induced by L-Arginine in Adult Male Albino Rats. 2022. Azab E A. Abdalssalam Abdelhamid Alahres . Biotechnology and Bioengineering 3 (3), 1-16
- Renal Toxicity Induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats and Attenuation by Fenugreek Seeds and Curcumin 2022. MOAMAE Azab Elsayed Azab. Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 3 (2), 1-10
- Hepatic Histopathological Alterations induced by L-Arginine and/or Dexamethasone in Adult Male Albino Rats. 2022. AAMA Marwan T. M. Abofila, Azab Elsayed Azab , Asma Nagib Ali, Adel Salah El ...
Universal Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1 (1), 1-13
- An Overview of Oxytocin: Chemical Structure, Receptors, Physiological Functions, Measurement Techniques of oxytocin, and Metabolism. 2022. AEAKAE Ata Sedik Ibrahim Azab Elsayed A. Journal of Clinical Research and Reports 11 (4), 1-11.
- Histamine: Insights into Structure, Synthesis, Metabolism and the Physiological Actions. 2022. AEARAMY Ata Sedik Ibrahim Azab Elsayed Azab. Scientific Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2.
- The Role of Oxytocin, Prolactin, and Estrogen in Male Sexual Functions.2022. AEARAMY Ata Sedik Ibrahim Elsayed .Journal of Clinical Research and Reports 10 (3), 1-7
- 5-fluorouracil Improves the Testicular Antioxidant Status and Alleviates Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Rats Treated with Cyclophosphamide.2022. MAY Rabia A M Yahya, Azab Elsayed Azab, Karema El.M.Shkal, Ahmed M. Attia. World Journal of Cancer and Oncology Research 1 (1), 1-9
- Ameliorative Effects of Fenugreek Seeds and Curcumin on Hematotoxicity induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats.. 2022. MOAMAE Azab, AE Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (10), 1-8
- تأثير استنشاق الجازولين وتناول الباراسيتامول أو كليهما معاً على وظائف الكلى وتركيبها النسيجي في ذكور الأرانب. 2022
الباشــــا, محمـــد عمــر, عزب, عزب السيد, المديهين, نجاح ضو.
The 1st International Conference of the Faculties of Sciences
- تأثير الغسيل الكلوي على مستويات الدهون في مصل الدم عند المرضى المصابين بالالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي.2022
عزب, عزب السيد, الباشــــا, محمـــد عمــر, قنـــــيدي, إلهــام
The 1st International Conference of the Faculties of Sciences
- تأثير استنشاق الجازولين وتناول الباراسيتامول أو كليهما معاً على وظائف الكلى وتركيبها النسيجي في ذكور الأرانب. 2022
محمد عمرالباشا ، عزب السيد عزب، نجاح ضو المديهين. المؤتمر الأول لكليات العلوم بجامعة الزاوية ..
- تأثير الغسيل الكلوي على مستويات الدهون في مصل الدم عند المرضى المصابين بالالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي EFFECT OF. 2022
EO Azab, AE, Albasha, MO
المؤتمر الأول لكليات العلوم بجامعة الزاوية
- Renal Toxicity Induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats and Attenuation by Fenugreek Seeds and Curcumin. 2022. AE Azab, MO Albasha, MA Elnaif .J, Biotech. and Bioprocessing 3 (2), 2766-23.
Assessment of the haematological alterations in cervical cancer patients attending sabratha national cancer institute, Western Libya. 2021. GHM Abushofa FA, Azab AE .Hematol Transfus Int J. 9 (6), 125-132
- Treatment of Male Albino Rats with 5-fluorouracil and/or Cyclophosphamide Caused Serious Alterations in Sexual Hormones, Histological Structure of the Testis, and Semen Quality. 2021. KEMSMAY Rabia A M Yahya , Ahmed M. Attia , Azab Elsayed Azab .Archives of Clinical Investigation 1 (1), 1-12
- Pathophysiological Changes Induced by Ingestion of Paracetamol and/or Inhalation of Gasoline in The Liver of Male Rabbits. 2021.
عزب، عزب السيد، الباشا، محمد عمر،المديهين، نجاح ضو
اInter Multiling J Sci Technol 6 (8), 3925-3936
- Effect of Hemodialysis on Kidney Function and Concentration of some Electrolytes in The Blood Serum of Patients with and Without Hepatitis.2021
عزب، عزب السيد، الباشا، محمد عمر،قنيدي، إلهام
اInter Multiling J Sci Technol 6 (8), 3945-3958
- Isolation and Characterization of Rabbit Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. 2021
GS Marwan T. M. Abofila, Azab Elsayed Azab, Imam U. M, M. H. Ng, Ramasamy R .International J. of Biomed Research 1 (4), 1-9
- Histopathological Assessment for the Effect of Allogenic Stem Cells Based Therapy in Stifle Joint for Rabbit Model of Osteoarthritis 2021. CHCGS Abofila MTM, Absheenah ANA, Azab AE, Moussa EA, Imam UM, Ng MH, Ramasamy R. SunText Review of Biotechnology 2 (1), 1-13
- Variation of COVID-19 Specific Immunoglobulin's and Some Inflammatory Factors in COVID-19 Patients in the Sabratha Isolation Center, Western Libya. 2021. SARAMY Azab Elsayed Azab, J.M. Jbireal .Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (7), 1-9
- Anesthesia: insights into types, risks, side effects, medications, perioperative care, anesthetic preparation, and check-up. 2021. MTM Abofila, AE Azab, ANA Absheenah, AMA Al Shebani
IAR Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care 2 (1)
- Histamine: Insights into Structure, Synthesis, Metabolism and the Physiological Actions. 2021. ASI Elsayed, AE Azab, RAM Yahya
- Assessment of the haematological alterations in cervical cancer patients attending sabratha national cancer institute, Western Libya. 2021. FA Abushofa, AE Azab, HM Al Ghawi .
- Red Onion Aqueous Extract Ameliorates Fertility in Male Rabbits Treated with Paracetamol and Gasoline. 2021. SD Azab Elsayed Azab, Mohamed Omar Albasha. IMJST
- Effect of coronavirus infection on haematological parameters in COVID-19 patients in the Sabratha Region, Western Libya. 2021. JM Jbireal, RAM Yahya, AE Azab, S Alzahani Archives of Hematology and Blood Diseases 4 (1), 2021
- Variation of COVID-19 Specific Immunoglobulin's and Some Inflammatory Factors in COVID-19 Patients in the Sabratha Isolation Center, Western Libya. 2021. AE Azab, JM Jbireal, S Alzahani, RAM Yahya .J, Biotech. and Bioprocessing 2 (7), 2766-2314.
- Heart Failure: Symptoms, Diagnosis. 2021. MTM Abofila1&, AE Azab, UM Imam, MH Ng, R Ramasamy, HC Chen, ... Prevention and Treatment with Special Reference to African-Americans …
- Histopathological Assessment for the Effect of Allogenic Stem Cells Based Therapy in Stifle Joint for Rabbit Model of Osteoarthritis. 2021. MTM Abofila, ANA Absheenah, AE Azab, EA Moussa, UM Imam, MH Ng
- Stem Cells: Insights into Niche, Classification, Identification, Characterization, Mechanisms of Regeneration by Using Stem Cells, and Applications in Joint Disease Remedy. 2021. Azab, AE
- Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Haematological Parameters in Covid-19 Patients in the Sabratha Region Western Libya. 2021. Azab, AE
Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Fasting Blood Glucose, Kidney Function, and Electrolytes in COVID-19 Patients in the Zawia Region, Western Libya. 2021. Azab, AE .
- Skeletal Muscles: Insight into Embryonic Development, Satellite Cells, Histology, Ultrastructure, Innervation, Contraction and Relaxation, Causes, Pathophysiology, and …2021. MTM Abofila, AE Azab, AN Bshena.J, Biotech. and Bioprocessing 2 (4), 2766-2314
- Ameliorating Effects of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Hematotoxicity Induced by Aluminum Chloride in Male Rabbits. 2021. MA Algridi, AE Azab. J. Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (4), 2766-2314
- Antidyslipidemic Effect of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Sodium Fluoride-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Rabbits J. 2021. MA Algridi, AE Azab. Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (3), 2766-2314.
- Stem Cells: Insights into Niche, Classification, Identification, Characterization, Mechanisms of Regeneration by Using Stem Cells, and Applications in Joint Disease Remedy. 2021. MT Abofila, AE Azab, A Alsahebani. mJ. Biotech. Bioprocess 2, 2766-2314 .
- The Relationship between Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart, and Kidney Diseases. AE Azab, AM Mansour, MO Albasha Journal of Biotechnology 4 (4), 19-24.
- Effect of Hemodialysis on Kidney Function and Concentration of some Electrolytes in The Blood Serum of Patients with and Without Hepatitisعزب، عزب السيد، الباشا، محمد عمر،قنيدي، إلهاماInter Multiling J Sci Technol 6 (8), 3945-3958 2021
- Isolation and Characterization of Rabbit Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells GS Marwan T. M. Abofila, Azab Elsayed Azab, Imam U. M, M. H. Ng, Ramasamy R ...International J. of Biomed Research 1 (4), 1-9 2021
- Histopathological Assessment for the Effect of Allogenic Stem Cells Based Therapy in Stifle Joint for Rabbit Model of Osteoarthritis CHCGS Abofila MTM, Absheenah ANA, Azab AE, Moussa EA, Imam UM, Ng MH, Ramasamy R SunText Review of Biotechnology 2 (1), 1-13 2021
- Variation of COVID-19 Specific Immunoglobulin's and Some Inflammatory Factors in COVID-19 Patients in the Sabratha Isolation Center, Western Libya SARAMY Azab Elsayed Azab, J.M. JbirealBiotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (7), 1-9 2021
- Anesthesia: insights into types, risks, side effects, medications, perioperative care, anesthetic preparation, and check-up MTM Abofila, AE Azab, ANA Absheenah, AMA Al Shebani IAR Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care 2 (1) 1 2021
- Histamine: Insights into Structure, Synthesis, Metabolism and the Physiological Actions ASI Elsayed, AE Azab, RAM Yahya 2021
- Red Onion Aqueous Extract Ameliorates Fertility in Male Rabbits Treated with Paracetamol and Gasoline SD Azab Elsayed Azab, Mohamed Omar Albasha IMJST 2021
- Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Haematological Parameters in Covid-19 Patients in the Sabratha Region Western Libya JM Jbireal, RAM Yahya, AE Azab, S Alzahani Archives of Hematology and Blood Diseases 4 (1), 2021 2 2021
- Variation of COVID-19 Specific Immunoglobulin's and Some Inflammatory Factors in COVID-19 Patients in the Sabratha Isolation Center, Western Libya AE Azab, JM Jbireal, S Alzahani, RAM Yahya J, Biotech. and Bioprocessing 2 (7), 2766-2314 2021
- Heart Failure: Symptoms, Diagnosis MTM Abofila1&, AE Azab, UM Imam, MH Ng, R Ramasamy, HC Chen, ... Prevention and Treatment with Special Reference to African-Americans … 2021
- Histopathological Assessment for the Effect of Allogenic Stem Cells Based Therapy in Stifle Joint for Rabbit Model of Osteoarthritis MTM Abofila, ANA Absheenah, AE Azab, EA Moussa, UM Imam, MH Ng 2021
- Stem Cells: Insights into Niche, Classification, Identification, Characterization, Mechanisms of Regeneration by Using Stem Cells, and Applications in Joint Disease Remedy Azab, AE 2021
- Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Haematological Parameters in Covid-19 Patients in the Sabratha Region Western Libya Azab, AE 2021
- Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Fasting Blood Glucose, Kidney Function, and Electrolytes in COVID-19 Patients in the Zawia Region, Western Libya Azab, AE 2021
- Skeletal Muscles: Insight into Embryonic Development, Satellite Cells, Histology, Ultrastructure, Innervation, Contraction and Relaxation, Causes, Pathophysiology, and … MTM Abofila, AE Azab, AN Bshena J, Biotech. and Bioprocessing 2 (4), 2766-2314 2021.
- Ameliorating Effects of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Hematotoxicity Induced by Aluminum Chloride in Male Rabbits MA Algridi, AE Azab J. Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (4), 2766-2314 4. 2021.
- Antidyslipidemic Effect of Fenugreek Seeds Powder against Sodium Fluoride-Induced Dyslipidemia in Male Rabbits J MA Algridi, AE Azab لاBiotechnology and Bioprocessing 2 (3), 2766-2314 1 2021.
- Stem Cells: Insights into Niche, Classification, Identification, Characterization, Mechanisms of Regeneration by Using Stem Cells, and Applications in Joint Disease Remedy. MT Abofila, AE Azab, A AlsahebaniJ. Biotech. Bioprocess 2, 2766-2314 3 2021
- The Relationship between Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart, and Kidney Diseases AE Azab, AM Mansour, MO Albasha Journal of Biotechnology 4 (4), 19-24 2 2021
- التأثيرات المحسنة للحلبة والنعناع ضد التغيرات الفسيولوجية والنسيجية الكلوية التي يسببها فلوريد الصوديوم في ذكور الأرانب عزب, عزب السيد, الباشا, محمد عمر, شلغوم, حنان خليفةجامعة مصراته-Misurata University 2020
- CORONARY ARTERY LESIONS IN KAWASAKI DISEASE ASPF TO Academic Journal of Current Research 7 (7) 2020
- Zinc oxide nanoparticles attenuate the oxidative damage and disturbance in antioxidant defense system induced by cyclophosphamide in male albino rats AE Azab, KEM Shkal, AM Attia, SG El-Banna, RAM Yahya Insights in Biology and Medicine 4 (1), 001-008 5 2020
- Ameliorating Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles against Hematotoxicity Induced by Cyclophosphamide in Male Albino Rats KEM Shkal, AMASG El, AE Azab, RAM Yahya Advances in Hematology and Oncology Research 3 (1), 26-31 2020
- Kawasaki Disease: Insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, etiology, pathology, complication, cardiac manifestation, diagnosis, and treatment NM Asaiah, AE Azab, AA Mohamed East African Scholars J Med Surg 2 (5), 117-122 1 2020
- Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Alleviate Cyclophosphamide Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Albino Rats
- AEARAMY Karema El M Shkal1, Ahmed M Attia2, Sabah G El-Banna3 Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3 (2), 23 2020
- Iron Deficiency Anemia: Insights into the Prevalence, Causes, Iron Metabolism, Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment .JM Jbireal, AE Azab, SM Hasan Clin Res Hematol 3 (2), 1-8 12020
- Ameliorating Effect of Green Tea Aqueous Extract against Histo pathophysiological Changes Induced by Ciprofibrate in the liver of Male Albino Rats FA Abushofa, AE Azab, S Tahani Kermani 2020
- Variation of Haematological Parameters in Renal Failure and Haemodialysis Patients JM Jbireal, AE Azab, ISK Omer اInter Multiling J Sci Technol 2020
- Evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk factors among diabetic patients with hypertension in Messelata region, Libya AE Azab, MO Albasha, AM MansouقJ Diabetes Metab Disorder Control 7 (1), 14-29 1 2020
- Anti-dyslipidemic effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles against cyclophosphamide induced dyslipidemia in male albino rats S Karema El M, AM Attia, SG El-Banna, AE Azab, RAM Yahya6 2020
- Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia among School Children in Sabratha, Western Libya JM Jbireal, AE Azab Archives of Hematology and Blood Diseases V3. I1, 26 1 2020
- Haematological changes during pregnancy: insight into anaemia, leukocytosis, and thrombocytopenia AE Azab, MO Albasha, JM Jbireal, SY El Hemady East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences 3 (5), 185-92 6 2020
- Xylanases: An Overview AE Azab, MO Albasha BP International. 2019.
- Hepatorenal Protective Effects of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Juice against Nicotine Induced Toxicity in Guinea Pigs AE Azab, MO Albasha Advances and Trends in Biotechnology and Genetics Vol. 2, 24-41 2 2019
- Anxiety: Insights into signs, symptoms, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment AA Adwas, JM Jbireal, AE Azab East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences 2 (10), 580-591190 2019
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanisms in human body AA Adwas, A Elsayed, AE Azab, FA Quwaydir J. Appl. Biotechnol. Bioeng 6 (1), 43-47 391 2019
- Anxiety: Insights into Signs, Symptoms, Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment. East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences, 2 (October), 80–91 AA Adwas, JM Jbireal, AE Azab 10 2019
- Induction of autophagy in human myeloid and lymphoid leukaemia cell line by using polyphenols alone and combined with a stander chemotherapy AAAA Azzwali, AE Azab, AMAB Alfourti EASJ Pharm Pharmacol. 1, 64-70 1 2019
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanisms in human body Toxicological effects of Propoxur View project Anti-dyslipidemic and Antiatherogenic Effects of Some Natural Products …A Elsayed, AE Azab Article in Journal of Biotechnology 6 (1), 38-47 10 2019
- Evaluation of vitamin D status among populations in Alejelat, Libya AA Abumhdi, AE Azab, MO Albasha East African Scholars J Med Sci 2 (11), 666-673 3 2019
- Hepatic Pathophysiological Changes Induced by Nicotine and/or Sodium Nitrite Injection in Male Albino Rats FA Abushofa, AE Azab, SAN Alkadrawy East African Scholars J Med Sci 2 (4), 184-196 2 2019
- Cancer: Insights into Epidemiology, Classification, Aetiology, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Cancer Chemotherapy AA Adwas, AE Azab, FA Quwaydir 2019
- Hematotoxicity induced by copper oxide and/or zinc oxide nanoparticles in male albino rats RAM Yahya, AM Attia, SG El-Banna, EE El-Trass, AE Azab, JM Jbireal, ... J Biotechnol 3 (4), 1-7 13 2019
- Haematological and cytogenetic changes in CML patients treated with imatinib mesylate in Western Libya JM Jbireal, AE Azab, S Alzahani, M Elshareef Hematol Transfus Int J 7 (3), 50-7 8 2019
- Effects of copper oxide and/or zinc oxide nanoparticles on oxidative damage and antioxidant defense system in male albino rats RAM Yahya, AE Azab, KEM Shkal EASJ Pharm. Pharmacol 1, 135-144 6 2019.
- Rubella: Insights into Routs of Viral Infection, Pathogenicity, Diagnosis, Immune Responses, and Vaccination Programs ASI Elsayed, AE Azab 2019.
- Nephroprotective effect of aqueous extract of parsley against nephrotoxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride in the male rats AE Azab, FA Abushofa, HMA Abdul Rahman J Biotechnol Bioeng 3 (4), 16-26 7 2019.
- Effects of Treatment with Doxorubicin on Proinflammatory and Prooncogenic Mediators in Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma (SEC) Tumor Model FA Quwaydir, ASI Elsayed, AE Azab, AA Adwas 2019
- Leukaemia: Insights into Aetiology, Incidence, Classification, and Treatment. AAAA Azzwali, AE Azab. 2019.
- Hepatotoxicity induced by copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles and their mixtures in male albino rats.RAM Yahya, AE Azab, S Karema El M, JM Jbireal East African Scholars J Med Sci 2 (11), 650-660 4 2019
- Apoptosis: Insight into Stages, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Pathways AAA Azzwali, AE Azab Clin. Med 7, 80-82.
- Imatinib, Doxorubicin, and/or Polyphenols Inhibiting Cell Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis in Human Myeloid and Lymphoid Leukaemia Cell Line AAAA Azzwali, AE Azab.2019.
- Effects of Indole-3-carbinol on Inflammatory and Prooncogenic Mediators in Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma Induced Mice AA Adwas, AE Azab, ASI Elsayed .2019
- Effects of maternal nicotine exposure during pregnancy and lactation on blood pressure of the offspring and blood vessel structure and attenuation by vitamin C A AMAB, AAA Azzwali, AE Azab East African Sch Journals Med Sci 4421 (10.36349) 3. 2019
- Myocardial Infarction Markers in Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma Tumor Model Treated With Doxorubicin AA Adwas, ASI Elsayed, J Jbireal, AE Azab Saudi J Biomed Res 4 (4), 126-35 2. 2019
- Mechanisms of programmed cell death AA Azzwali, AE Azab J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 6 (4), 156-158 4 2019
- Ameliorating Potential of Honey on Caffeine Induced Sperm Toxicity in Male Albino Rats UU Uno, AJ Umoyen, IS Esua, FO Okey, UB Ekaluo Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 18 (3), 1-7 1 2018.
- Sodium fluoride induces hepato-renal oxidative stress and pathophysiological changes in experimental animals AE Azab, MO Albasha, JM Jbireal, AA Adwas Open Journal of Apoptosis 7 (1), 1-23 17 2018
- Electromagnetic fields and its harmful effects on the male reproductive system AE Azab, AM Khalat, SA Ebrahim, MO Albasha Biosci Bioeng 4 (1), 1-13 7 2018
- Disturbance in haematological parameters induced by exposure to electromagnetic fields JM Jbireal, AE Azab, A Elsayed Hematol Transfus Int J 6 (6), 242-51 15 2018
- Correlation between hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and lipid profile in thyroid dysfunction patients WM Alsalmi, LHF Shaglouf, AE Azab Clin Med J 4 (2), 6-14 16 2018
- Hepatoprotective effect of some medicinal plants and herbs against hepatic disorders induced by hepatotoxic agents AE Azab, MO Albasha J Biotechnol Bioeng 2 (1), 8-23 37 2018
- Vitamin D and Calcium Status in Pregnant Women in Western-Libya AM Albakoush, AE Azab Advances in Biomedical Sciences 3 (6), 122-128 2 2018
- Effect of acute and chronic cyclosporine A treatment on haematological data in male albino rats ASI Elsayed, J Jbireal, AE Azab J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 5 (6), 350-357 7 2018
- Prevention of nephropathy by some natural sources of antioxidants AE Azab, MO Albasha, ASI Elsayed Yangtze Medicine 1 (04), 235 46 2017
- Haematological parameters in pregnant women attended antenatal care at sabratha teaching hospital in Northwest, Libya EA Azab, MO Albasha, SY Elhemady American Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2 (4), 60 29 2017
- Toxicological Influence of Propoxur on Respiratory Functions of the Blood in Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) AE Azab, AA El-Shafey, MFF Bayomy, ASI Elsayed Scj. Acad. J. BioSci. 4, 1093-1100 2 2017
- Pathological and biochemical alterations induced by synchronize lead intoxication and bilharzial Infection in mice AE Azab, MFF Bayomy, ASI Elsayed, AAE Eltoukhy J Chem Pharmaceut Sci 10 (3), 1251-1261 1 2017
- Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disease (CKD-MBD) and Cardiac Arrest Risk Factors among Renal Failure Patients. AE Azab, ASI Elsayed J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 3 (5), 00079 2017
- Acute myocardial infarction risk factors and correlation of its markers with serum lipids AE Azab, AS Elsayed J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 3 (4), 00075 23 2017
- Amelioration of gentamicin induced dyslipidemia in Guinea Pigs by Curcumin and Rosemary MA Algridi, AE Azab, E Azab Scientific Review 3 (2), 6-16 3 2017
- Activating the AMPK by DHPO to Mitigate Lipid Abnormalities and Insulin Resistance ARI Ajaj, AM Albakoush, AE Azab Saudi Journal of Medicine 2 (3), 69-75 1 2017
- Bioeffects induced by exposure to electromagnetic fields and mitigation by natural antioxidants AE Azab, SA Ebrahim SAS Journal of Medicine 2 (6), 126-133 4 2017
- Exposure to electromagnetic fields induces oxidative stress and pathophysiological changes in the cardiovascular system AE Azab, SA Ebrahim J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 4 (2), 00096 20 2017
- Biological effects of magnetic water on human and animals SA Ebrahim, AE Azab Biomed Sci 3 (4), 78 53 2017
- Exposure to electromagnetic fields induces pathophysiological changes and oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system AE Azab, SA Ebrahim Saudi J Biomed Res 2 (5), 115-21 3 2017
- Correlation between chronic kidney diseases and hematological data in Sabratha hospital in Libya AS Elsayed, AE Azab Asian J Pharm Clin Res 10 (2), 291-296 10 2017
- Toxicological Effects of Propoxur on Electrolyte Balance in Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) AE Azab, ASI Elsayed Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS) 7 (1), 176 2016
- Effects of Subchronic Intoxication with Propoxur on Acid-Base Status in Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) AE Azab, AA El-Shafey, MFF Bayomy, ASI Elsayed Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS) 7 (1), 153 1 2016
- The biological effects of electromagnetic fields on human and experimental animals S Ebrahim, AE Azab, MO Albasha, N Albishti Inter Res J Natur Appl Sci 3 (10), 106-121 22 2016.
- Effects of Subchronic Intoxication with Propoxur on Serum Biochemical Parameters in Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) AE Azab, MF Bayomy, AA El-Shafey, ASI Elsayed RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 7 (5 2016
- Effect of acute and chronic treatment of Cyclosporin A on liver and kidney functions in rats ASI Elsayed, MFF Bayomy, AE Azab Journal of applied pharmaceutical science 6 (3), 116-119 13 2016.
- Hepatorenal protective effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum) Juice against nicotine induced toxicity in Guinea pigs M Albasha, A Azab Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 5 (1), 1-13 6 2016
- Prevention of hepatotoxicity with curcuma longa and rosmarinus officinalis in gentamicin treated guinea pigs AE Azab, MO Albasha, ASI Elsayed Indo Amer J Pharm Res 6 (03), 4791-802 15 2016
- التغيرات الفسيولوجية المصاحبة للفشل الكلوي عند مرضى الفشل الكلوي المزمن بمستشفى الزهراء لعلاج و جراحة الكلىالباشا, د. محمد عمر, عزب, د. عزب السيد مجلة كليات التربية .2015
- Hypolipidemic and antiatherogenic effects of aqueous extract of Libyan propolis in lead acetate intoxicated male albino mice EA Azab, MA Algridi, NM Lashkham IJSR 4 (3), 1060-1068 11 2015
- Evaluation of substitution of fetal calf serum in VERO cell cultures by fish serum AT El-Dakhly, AES Azab, QK Alrawi, NM Lashkham Int J Curr Res Rev 3 (2), 1-8 2 2015
- Protective effects of sesame oil against lead acetate induced haemato-biochemical toxicity in albino mice AE Azab, AT El-Dakhly, QK Alrawi, MO Albasha International Journal of Science and Research 4, 2053-2063 8 2015
- The potential protective effects of pomegranate juice against (S)-(-)-1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl) pyrrolidine (+)-bitartrate salt induced serum biochemical changes in rabbits GJ Aboulgasem, AE Azab International Journal of Science and Research 4 (11), 360-371 6 2015
- Simultaneous administration of aqueous extract of Rosmarinus officinal with nicotine resulted in prevention of induced hepatorenal toxicity in guinea pigs .AE Azab, MO Albasha American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 3 (5), 80-86 9 2015
- Haematoprotective and hypolipidemic effects of aqueous extract of Libyan propolis against sodium nitrite induced haematotoxicity and hyperlipidemia in Guinea pigs AE Azab, NM Lashkham, MO Albasha Am. J. Biosci. Bioeng 3, 22-32 11 2015
- Sodium nitrite induced biochemical alterations in the blood serum and its amelioration by aqueous extract of Libyan propolis in Guinea pigs GJA Aboulgasem, AE Azab, MM Almaky International Journal of Science and Research 4 (8), 1040-1048 16 2015
- Effect of cadmium on the liver and amelioration by aqueous extracts of fenugreek seeds, rosemary, and cinnamon in Guinea pigs: histological and biochemical study MO Albasha, SA Azab Cell Biol 2 (2), 7-17 41 2014
- Hepatoprotective effect of sesame oil against lead induced liver damage in albino mice: Histological and biochemical studies EA Azab American Journal of BioScience 2 (6-2), 1-11 55 2014
- Nephro-protective effects of curcumin, rosemary and propolis against gentamicin induced toxicity in guinea pigs: Morphological and biochemical study AE Azab, FA Fetouh, MO Albasha American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2 (2), 28-35 51 2014
- Ameliorating effects of curcumin and propolis against the reproductive toxicity of gentamicin in adult male guinea pigs: Quantitative analysis and morphological study FA Fetouh, AES Azab American Journal of Life Sciences 2 (3), 138-149 35 2014
- Vitamin D status in diabetic Egyptian children and adolescents: a case–control studySFA Azab, SH Saleh, WF Elsaeed, SM Abdelsalam, AA Ali, AMH Esh Italian journal of pediatrics 39, 1-7 44 2013.
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- Cadmium Toxicity: Insight into Sources, Toxicokinetics, and Effect on Vital Organs and Embryos SBA EL-Hengary, FA Abushofa, AE Azab.1999
- The Relationship between the Levels of Serum Iron, Ferritin, and Hemoglobin in Patients Infected with Coronavirus Disease-19 .MNA Alnaas, JM Jbireal, AE Azab.
- Effect of garlic aqueous extract on liver protection against liver toxicity brought on by ciprofibrate in male albino rats .AE Azab
- Garlic Aqueous Extract’s Hepatoprotective Effect Against Ciprofibrate-Induced Hepatotoxicity In Male Albino Rats AE Azab
- Karema El. M. Shkal, and Mona A. Yehia (2022). Treatment of Male Albino Rats with 5-fluorouracil and/or Cyclophosphamide Caused Serious Alterations in Sexual Hormones .RAM Yahya, AM Attia, AE Azab Archives of Clinical Investigation 1 (1).
- Distribution of Cervical Cancer According to Age, Region, and blood groups in Patients Attending Sabratha National Cancer Institute, Western Libya AE Azab, FA Abushofa, HM Al Ghawi Variation of Haematological Parameters in Renal Failure and Haemodialysis Patients JM Jbireal, AE Azab, ISK Omer.