Tidak dapat mengambil data dari sumber eksternal. Committee Affairs Office | Sabratha Faculty of Medicine

College Council Affairs Office

Name: Fathi Ali Abdullah Al-Amami 
Position: Director of the College Dean’s Office and
Director of College Council Affairs
Academic qualification: Bachelor’s degree
Specialization: Management
Work experience: 32 years
Phone number: 0913275900
Email: elmami65@gmail.com
Duties of the Director of the College Council Affairs Office:
He is assigned the following tasks in accordance with Article (33) of Resolution (22) regarding the
organizational structure of universities and higher education institutions:
▪ Preparing for college council meetings.
▪ Receiving topics presented to the College Council and maintaining the necessary data and information
about them.
▪ Editing minutes of College Council meetings and writing down decisions to be presented to the Dean and
Council members for approval and informing the relevant authorities.
▪ Carrying out the work assigned to him within the limits of his powers.
▪ Commitment to professional ethics in accordance with the college’s ethical charter.
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